Our mission is to create and foster a supportive environment where you feel empowered, positive and enthusiastic about life!
Inner thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes shape our actions and behaviours and often create patterns that are challenging to break out of… that’s why we are here to help! Whether you would like to start small by exploring your life situation with one of our online workshops, or perhaps face to face is better? We have group sessions or one-on-one coaching if you would like a more individualised approach.
If you are looking to build your self-esteem, become more confident, explore different options or change your mindset, let us guide you. It’s all about striving to live the best life possible – after all, we only live once!
You may also be interested to know a bit about me – the founder of Ladies HQ. I have worked in a number of fields and spent years connecting with all different kinds of people. I have been a project manager, mentor and support worker, research analyst, hospitality manager and currently, I work as a high school teacher and trainer.
I created Ladies HQ because I have a passion for helping others reach their full potential and achieve goals they never thought imaginable. I have built my life on the power of positivity, kindness and compassion – I have always had a growth mindset. I am excited to challenge you and lead you on a quest to a happier life.
At the end of the day, we can’t control everything, but we can control the choices we make xx
We love giving you free shit – see you over in your inbox!