Online Workshops
Stay up to date with all of our upcoming workshops, programs and events! Join our free Facebook group - exclusive for females and via invite only. Click the image below to send a request to join.
Starting 10th Feb: Create Your Realty – 30-Day Kick Start Program!
- Run entirely through a private Facebook group and exclusively for ladies of all ages
- Complete short online activities which are achievable for anyone with a busy life (only require 10 minutes a day)
- Designed to introduce the idea of living a more positive lifestyle aligned to your goals
- Learn about mindfulness, being grateful and creating a more meaningful life
- The program allows you to engage in reflective thought without dwelling on the past
- This is an introduction to those who have considered utilising a life coach to achieve their goals and future vision
- Completing this workshop makes you eligible to attend a small-group action planning session or one-on-one personal coaching at a discounted rate!
Register your interest and receive pre-release prices at