
Ladies HQ Biz Hub Directory Info

What we do

We are committed to creating an accessible and frequently used directory of female-friendly businesses and services throughout Perth, WA.

Our community features an engaged group of over 15,000 Perth women combined across all platforms. We repeatedly receive requests within our community for business recommendations where women haven’t felt ripped off, overwhelmed or taken advantage of. We’d love you to consider adding your business to our directory dedicated to helping all females feel like they are safe to ask for support!

How does it work?

If you’re committed to providing friendly, reasonable and reliable services for our female community, we’d love to feature your business or service on our directory. In return for limiting the businesses featured and ensuring a high quality of listings, there is an annual fee to cover administration/website costs with residual funds re-invested in our community for women. We are a community-funded initiative which gives back to our members through support services, educational events and personal development.

How can businesses benefit?

Over the last three years, the Ladies HQ community has expanded exponentially through word of mouth marketing, social media promotion and automated email technology. Our members are incredibly engaged and brand loyal. The business directory will be promoted and pinned for reference on all of our major community connection points:

       Tagged daily in our welcome post with 13,000 group members

        Promoted alongside our monthly calendar on social media

o   Shared via email to 12,000+ subscribers

o   Promoted on Facebook to 6,000+ followers

o   Featured on Instagram to 2,000+ followers

        Weekly dedicated posts/business ‘features’ linking users to the directory and tagging promoted businesses – we will encourage members to share images/testimonials for sharing

        Featured in our email automation sequence – All subscribers will receive a dedicated email campaign outlining the directory.

What is the agreement?

Being listed on our directory is an annual agreement. We are committed to only featuring aligned businesses able to support women – in return we will be limiting the scope of business types listed on the directory. There will be no more than two business types per serviceable area – this is to allow for alternate options during busy periods and wider offering opportunity. For example, there will be a maximum of be two electricians listed as servicing the NOR area.

We understand effective services and workmanship should be price reflective – however we will preference businesses willing to offer 5-10% off services or obligation free quotes/costings to our community. Please understand we need to ensure there is adequate uptake/incentive for women to refer to the directory.

You will only gain access to this information page if you have progressed past the application phase. Upon completing payment below, you will be contacted within 10 days to confirm all listing details are correct.

We look forward to listing you on our Ladies HQ Biz Hub Directory!

Payment details


Payment details


Recurring Questions I get asked


o   Ladies HQ does not promise, endorse or take any responsibility for the outcome of your listing on our directory.

o   By being listed you are not entering into any type of formal partnership or collaboration with Ladies HQ.

o  Payments are re-occuring annually. To cease payments after your initial annual agreement please ensure you have emailed admin@ladieshq.com.au with a cancellation request 14-days prior to your payment.

o   Refunds will not be offered under any circumstance, including change of mind or business closure. If there is a complaint or disagreement made about a business listing or service, Ladies HQ will enter into our conflict resolution process to assist with a suitable outcome for all parties.